Spotted: Walking in Jack London Square, Oakland, CA
Occupation: Sales Person
You look great, what are you doing today?
Actually, I just had an interview with a leasing company in San Leandro.
Congratulations! Are you excited?
Well, yeah, it's a job.
Is this your interview outfit?
Yeah, I just came from that interview, but I'm here because I run my own women's clothing company. I'm over here to find a retail space to open my own store and I'm working on my product line!
Tell me a bit about the outfit?
I've had this dress forever. It's from Nordstrom. Something simple and clean—throw it on and go. The necklace is from Davinci from Nordstrom. My earrings are from Bloomingdales. My handbag is from Brahmin and my shoes are just funky shoes. The sunglasses I got for 10 bucks from the Art and Soul Festival.
That's fantastic! Tell me about your products!
Right now I'm working on activewear. Have you ever heard of smart fabric? It's like biometrics—it measures your heartbeat and stuff like that. [Oh! The fabric does that?] Yes. I'm creating that right now.
What gave you the idea?
I'm just doing some research. I have been doing retail and clothing for 30 years. It's my passion, retail, so I'm doing it for myself now.
So, you're just going for it! Where do you start after thinking, "I'll make some smart activewear?"
Well, the idea came to me. I was doing some research online because I want to do something different. I found out that somebody else is doing it, just in a different type of platform so I'm taking their idea and changing it to do what I want to do with it.
Do you make the fabric or do you buy the fabric?
I buy the fabric and then I make the whole thing. I design it.
Are there wires in it?
No, there's sensors, just like your phone has sensors, your clothing will now have sensors. It's the wave of the future!
What is your company called?
Encore Curvy Couture.
How long have you been in Oakland?
I'm a native! I'm a rarity. Born and raised here.
What's your favorite part about the Bay?
The weather. I have lived in other areas, but nothing beats the East Bay weather.
How would you describe your style?
I'm more conservative. Not so flashy, but more elegant.
Is there anything pervasive that has been going on in your head lately?
Just focusing on my business.